
newsweek magazine

Newsweek Magazine

No matter where you read or what you read on, Newsweek has a product for its audience. Newsweek digital and print platforms deliver thought provoking content to smart, successful readers in a modern news ecosystem. From a Twitter feed followed by millions to mobile apps across devices to a responsive website to a print magazine, get the news that reaches and influences decision makers anytime and anywhere. gives readers a destination for in-depth journalism, exclusives, and commentary on the issues of the day. Newsweek Magazine is a powerful combination of news, culture and ideas with a clear point of view: we get the first and final say on major stories of the day. Newsweek Magazine is edited for the voracious consumer of information, and designed to surprise, educate and delight. Both the digital and print platforms are the authoritative news outlets of choice for the sought-after thought-leader audience.

19 Websites Globally

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9.5M+ Social Followers

A team of experts

For over 80 years Newsweek has maintained  and been recognized for its journalistic integrity, insightful analysis of the news and for shaping impactful conversations.

Digitally native

Newsweek Media Group is digital first and designed to deliver digestible smart media for the screen age.

Always reaching the news

From a Twitter feed followed by millions to mobile apps across devices to a responsive website to a print magazine, news that reaches and influences decision makers are always avaliable anytime and anywhere.